B.S., 2020 – Ecology, Evolution, & Natural Resources
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Douglass Residential College for Women
Areas of Expertise
Regulatory Assessments and Constraints Analysis
Wetland Delineations & Regulatory Review
Threatened & Endangered Species Monitoring
Summary of Experience
Ms. Coleman is a Wetlands Project Assistant at EcolSciences. She has professional experience in education and research experience from Rutgers University in wetland and forest ecology, wildlife conservation, and wildlife diseases. Additional experience includes parasite identification in marine fish and freshwater amphibians, Giemsa staining, and DNA analysis.
Prior to joining EcolSciences, Ms. Coleman worked as a Science Lead Teacher in Bronx, NY where she was responsible for coordinating lesson plans and field trips. As a 6th grade science teacher, her curriculum was ecology and evolution based, preparing scholars for the NY Environmental Regents Exam.