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B.S. Environmental Studies (1980) - Montclair State College

Professional Certifications

NJDEP Underground Storage Tank Subsurface Investigation
40-Hour Health and Safety Training per OSHA 29CFR 1910.120
PADEP Act II Land Recycling Program Certification
AHERA (Asbestos) Certification
40-Hour Lead Based Paint Certification 
USEPA 40-Hour Training: Wetland Delineation Methodology

Areas of Expertise 

Hazardous Waste Site Assessment
Site Remediation
Brownfield Redevelopment
Regulatory Compliance
Environmental Assessments

Summary of Experience

Mr. Mulligan is a Senior Project Manager with EcolSciences, having 27 years experience in the environmental field. Mr. Mulligan's areas of expertise include due diligence investigations of commercial and industrial properties in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, with a focus on site investigation, remediation, and report preparation to meet redevelopment requirements. His primary responsibilities include site investigations with specific emphasis on environmental liability assessment, sampling design and site mitigation, management of M-^SBrownfieldsM-^T redevelopment projects, and reporting requirements necessitating coordination with clients, regulatory agencies, and lending institutions to facilitate necessary approvals and to address financing requirements. His background also includes five years of experience in the inventory and evaluation of terrestrial and aquatic wetland communities.

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Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance

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